Creatine Sport


Creatine Sport contains creatine mono-hydrate complemented with taurine and dextrose, which improve its muscular uptake.

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Creatine accompanied by two powerful transporters to support hydration and energy!

Creatine Sport contains creatine mono-hydrate complemented with taurine and dextrose, which improve its muscular uptake.

Scientific research confirms that the role of creatine is not limited to improving the energetics of short-term efforts of high, often rapidly increasing, intensity. Creatine Sport contains well soluble, highly granulated creatine monohydrate, which, as a molecule that readily combines with water, improves hydration of the body – one of the main performance parameters in endurance sports.

Creatine is also used in aerobic exercises as a transporter of high-energy phosphate groups. By increasing the muscle creatine reserve, Creatine Sport improves the hydration of the muscle environment, which makes muscles less prone to acidification, one of the causes of fatigue in endurance sports.

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Fruit Punch

Nutritional Facts


Dissolve one serving of the product – 5 g (1 scoop) in 250 ml of water; use a shaker or a blender. Take 1 serving daily. On workout days: 1 serving 30 min. before a workout or 1 serving directly after a workout. On non-workout days: 1 serving in the morning after getting up or 1 serving at bedtime.

WARNINGS:Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. Do not use the product as a substitute for a varied diet. Children, pregnant or nursing woman must not take the product. Varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important. The product may contain: milk, soybeans, cereals containing gluten, eggs, peanuts and nuts.

STORAGE:Keep this packaging tightly closed in a dry place, at the temperature of 15–25°C. Keep out of the reach of children. After opening consume within 3 months.


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